Without a website you are losing 50% to 75% of your business
So you get all your business from Facebook so you don't need a website is something we hear a lot. Yes social media is important in driving sales but Google organic search results still account for 53% of all website traffic referrals with paid adverts accounting for another 15%. Other traffic sources 27% and lastly Social Media websites only accounts for 5% of referrals with only 1% leading to online revenue (source).
There are marketers who might dispute some of these social media findings and other trends do show that 25% of people discover products/services via social media webistes, while as high as 50% (16-24 age group) research products/services on social media (source)
What this does show us is the necisity to have both a website and social media. The trends also show us that although they might find you on social media customers are less likely to purchase if you you don't have a website and conversly if you don't have a good social media presence that can also affect conversions.
In conclusion 75% of people do not initially find their products/services via social media and 60% of people don't use social media in their online purchasing decisions at all. One thing for, even certain taking age group of your customers into consideration, without either a website or social media presence you will be losing at least 50% of your potential online revenue. Fortunately for you, we understand the importance of both contact us.